All Quiet on the Brexit Front?

Not exactly as  there has been an awful lot of quacking these last few weeks although nobody has actually managed to lay an egg yet.

The mood however is definitely changing, as people, the political establishment not excluded, have begun to realise the economic and political effects any sort of Brexit will have on the UK. Understanding this is one thing, admitting an understanding of this publicly is a clear indication that something is happening. When the Daily Mail headlines read that Brexiteers have lost the economic argument it makes you think.  I dare say anybody who is at all aware of the UK´s political position contra Europe is aware that the situation the country is in at the moment, is not only one of history´s greatest shambles but also an extremely serious one. It is bad leadership that got us into this and we are now in the process of watching that selfsame leadership struggle to find a way out. Now if you feel I am being unnecessarily harsh on Tory leadership then let me say my argument is underlined by the fact that they are actually trying to find a way out of this mess. Both the referendum and the 2017 election had more to do with Tory infighting and their inability to govern the country than anything else. Neither Cameron nor May got the answer they wanted and it became painfully obvious that they were both very surprised and totally unprepared. To add insult to injury neither of these electoral responses gave a clear indication of the path forward, that is if you discount the loony right´s wet dream of a tax paradise and the loony left´s ditto of a socialist paradise in the form of a total break with the EU i.e. a Hard Brexit or Cliff Edge Brexit. As if either of these would be guaranteed by a Brexit. The ball is, so to speak, fair and square back in the Tory court. What we are now witnessing is a struggle to set things straight. Given that this entails leaving the EU enough to appease Brexiters, not too much to upset the economic apple cart, keep an open border with the Republic of Ireland, pay enough divorce settlement to satisfy the EU without goading Brexiters and do all this without being accused by the EU of cherry picking, this exercise cannot be deemed as anything but futile. Again I shudder to think that Tory politicians are unaware of this and yet again it seems to me this futile struggling is all that is on offer in place of real leadership. If the question is, do the Tories need real leadership, the answer must be that whatever happens the party is at the end of its tether and will probably need years to recover. It is the UK that needs real leadership and at present it is the Tory party´s responsibility to unconditionally supply that leadership. There is no other way out of this than by admitting failure. That is not failure to leave the EU but failure to lead the country along the best possible path taking into consideration the wishes of its people. Admitting this and inhibiting Brexit would not be a U-turn but an admission of failure showing the kind of leadership the country is very much in need of right now.