Return of the Toilet Paper

The toilet paper is back on the shelves, not that I would have actually seen it as we now do our shopping on line and on a weekly basis drive over to our local supermarket to pick up the goods including as much toilet paper as we need.  Sign of things improving? Not the way I see it.  In fact I never saw the necessity of hoarding toilet paper of all things.  Some people are so stupid you wonder how they find their way home every day.  A Lockdown positive perhaps? 

It doesn´t stop with toilet paper. The latest from the White is the new mad House in the land of the nutters across the pond is that injecting or drinking Dettol or the like will do wonders for your health.  Should you find that a little uncomfortable the alternative on offer is to shine an ultraviolet beam up your backside.  The most frightening thing is not the Nutter in Chief giving this kind of medical advice but his medical advisers sitting in the same room and in front of the cameras and not reacting.  It´s not often I feel the urge to tell 331 Million people to shape up but you really have to do something about your NiC. 

Having said that there is a lot of support in right wing Dixie for Sweden and its ”lagom” approach to Covid 19. People in Dixie are more concerned about the economy than the virus. In contrast today´s conservative national newspaper Svenska Dagbladet is showing more concern about the Social Democrat government´s approach (resulting in a large increase in the polls) rather than the economy.  Garnished with a grim looking reporter in a beard. Who would have thought that? 

Fighting like ferrets in a sack, a good old Hollywood film fist fight or just children banging each other over the head with a plastic spade over who´s got the best virus policy, I don´t know and I despair. Life has become a reality show with the ”Corona Olympics” sucking people´s energy as they keep track of the latest ”results”

Being part of a so called risk group I have resigned myself to the fact that people like me will not see life return to normal, if ever I may add, for at least another year. That means we have to stay away from anything or anybody that could transmit this virus to us. For the rest of the population their best chances lie in living in a country that offers comprehensive medical care.  Lockdowns are like panic braking.  if you want to get there, drive sensibly.  This virus is not going away anytime soon.