On this day the 24th August, Ukraine celebrates its declaration of independence from Soviet Russia in 1991. On this day thirty-two years later the people of Ukraine are now fighting the heir to that evil empire in an effort to keep that same independence.
It has come to the point where hiding behind political views and/or rhetoric pales in the presence of what the Russian Federation is doing in Ukraine. This is no longer a case of right or wrong, left wing or right wing, what about this or what about that. We are in the face of barbarity and there are no excuses, political, economic nor pacifist for not calling this out. Those who are not prepared to do that, wilfully expose themselves. The analysis of how and why, I leave to you in each individual case.
I was born amongst the ruins of Europe and never thought I would ever be revisiting the likes of something that belongs in history books.
I am not alone. I am just one of millions and millions of people across the globe who are aghast at what is happening. Countries and people who behave like Russia must be stopped. Make no mistake, negotiations and treaties did not prevent this war which should give us an understanding of how not to deal with Russia.
On Saturday I will be joining a gathering to celebrate Ukrainian independence as well as collect as many useful items as possible to be sent to Ukraine. Even if in all modesty, being part of millions doing the same thing makes a difference. The smallest item, sum of money or just buying the nearest Ukrainian refugee a coffee or a beer sends messages and hope. Slava Ukraini!