Those The Gods Love Die Young

`Those the Gods love die young` is a saying dating to classical Greek as far back as the 3rd Century BC. The intrinsic meaning of this being the belief in an after life coupled to a desire of the gods to swiftly re-introduce select humans to godly domains. 

Of course not being totally ignorant of the classics even in younger years, I was aware of this proverb and having put a somewhat fatalistic twist to my own interpretation of it made driving my beautiful, red Ford Cortina GT to its limits slightly more relaxing. 

What was new to me was that being a favourite of the Gods involved a happy reunion rather than my interpretation which was more on a par with being spared the trauma of old age. Having reached the ripe old age of 74, apart from a number of irritating, worse for wear things that need to be addressed I have to admit that so far (touches wood) nothing seriously negative has materialised to warrant any fondness directed toward me in my youth by the Gods.  Add some 40 odd years (I matured late in life) of responsible life including work, travel, family, children, grandchildren, being cherished by the Gods seems to pale somewhat.

In fact quite so; age may be fraught with aches and pains but it brings with it a wisdom of sorts. I say sorts  because wisdom still requires an ability to analyse and in the absence of analytical skills is perhaps better filed under the heading experience.Whatever, ”done that been there” pops up more frequently as the years pass.

As a teenager I had a number of pretty close calls driving and I would have wholeheartedly agreed that the Gods did not love me when insufficient cash had resulted in my having to choose a Ford Cortina GT instead of the much faster Lotus Cortina.

 As yet I have not experienced the benefits of an after life in divine company and until I do, if ever, I find myself quite content with second best.