For several years now I have shared my thoughts on various things that have had an impact on my life. Apart from enjoying writing, I feel that somewhere in the future my words might in some small way serve my descendents as a source of information about me and the time I spent on this planet. Answering questions much like, ”What did you do in the war, grandad?”
Until less than two years ago the reaction to that precise question would have been, ”What war?” Since then I have shared the anxiety and frustration of many Europeans over Russia´ s despicable invasion of Ukraine and done my best to help as well as to broadcast my feelings as to what is recquired of the democratic world to contain this heinous international pariah.
Today I am at loss for words. The depravity the world witnessed on the 7th October is beyond belief, on a level with or even surpassing Russian, ghoulish behaviour in Ukraine. With no warning, the indiscriminate torture, rape, murder and mutilation of civilians, young and old, flickered across our screens. There was no military objective and it soon became clear that, together with the kidnapping of hostages, the acts of violence perpetrated on that day were the actual objectives.
For what reason? Nothing that would benefit people in Palestine, as the likely Israeli response would be to attack Hamas and the havoc this would wreak on the population of Gaza. Apart from ventilating blind hatred, in an orgy of violence on Israelis, I see no plausible motivations other than the unthinkable, that the objective was to provoke a war at the cost of civilian lives on both sides. The fact that Hamas and big brother Hizbollah are both dependant on weapons from Iran tells us that the 7th October was without a doubt sanctioned by the Mullahs and that any explanation to why these atrocities occurred should be sought in Teheran or maybe even in Moscow.