At the beginning of December last year in a speech at a gala hosted by the National Association of Christian Lawmakers House of Representative speaker Mike Johnson is to have said,
”….And the Lord very specifically told me in my prayers to prepare but to wait.”
There were several other references to God in the speech with Mike outlining his personal relationship with his Maker. Not that this kind of reference to the Almighty is unique in any way; it´ s a good ruse for lending an aura of finality to any dialogue, political or otherwise. I mean who wants to have an attitude toward the Creator or perhaps more to the point seeming to have an attitude toward the Creator. A cynical awareness that being punished at the ballot box is far more likely than the wrath of God. The interesting but not surprising ban on the presence of the media at this event revealed that the message was intended for believers only. Who or what they actually believe in remains somewhat opaque considering the ”name in vain,” so to speak. Running on a platform that God is a Republican and that Trump is his messenger might be appealing to some, yet the cynicism not to mention the hypocrisy is awe inspiring not least reminiscent of Centuries of historical crowd control in the name of God.
My immediate response when hearing Mike Johnson´ s claim to have spoken to God was,
”Actually Mike, the Lord spoke to me the other day and he denies ever having spoken to you.”
It´ s all a question of who you believe?