From the Way We Were to the Way We Are

  • An enormous demonstration in London demanding a final say in the negotiated deal with the EU including an option to remain. 
  • Theresa May embarrasses herself on the internet with a near to deranged appearance spouting new sound-bites.
  • Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson says ”fuck business”
  • Airbus and BMW leaving UK as a consequence of a no deal Brexit.
  • Government criticises Airbus and BMW for revealing their plans?
  • Scotland heading for a new independence referendum.
  • Polls showing growing suppport for a united Ireland.
  • House of Lords says what the House of Commons would like to say.
  • Latest polls suggest the tide has turned in Remain´s favour.
  • Jeremy Corbyn hiding in Jordan during #PeoplesVote march.
  • Keir Starmer, Emily Thornberry et al. hiding somewhere else.
  • Labour and anti-Brexit well represented by the young people OFOC, Our Future Our Choice
  • Left wing Labour people say FBPE is full of Tories?
  • Left wing Labour people say the #PeoplesVote is a Lib Democrat attack on Corbyn?
  • Left wing Labour people say people who are openly anti-Brexit attack Corbyn?
  • Left wing Labour people say unless you love Corbyn your political views are irrelevant.
  • Tories are divided.
  • Labour is divided.
  • The country is divided.
  • The Good Friday agreement needs the single market and the customs union.
  • Ireland needs the Good Friday agreement.
  • British business needs to know what the deal will be.
  • Theresa May needs to know what the deal will be.
  • Theresa May has sound-bites, red lines and little else.
  • Unless #PeoplesVote is successful the House of Commons has a choice; any old deal or no deal.
  • Some people think no deal means status quo. 
  • Some people haven´t a clue, they just hate foreigners.
  • Some people have a clue, also hate foreigners and are bonding with those that haven´t a clue.
  • Jacob Reese-Mogg is funny; both meanings, makes you laugh and squirm.
  • David Davis is busy taking somebody out. 
  • Brexit for the many not the few decent Tories left.
  • Tory government doesn´t know what it wants.
  • Everybody´s forgotten Gibralter and the Falklands.
  • People starting to prepare for a no deal Brexit.
  • Remainers more confident there will not be a Brexit of any kind.
  • The EU has several off-the-shelf offers which with or without adjustments are unacceptable to the government.
  • May hosts sleepover Cabinet meeting to agree on plans for leaving the EU, including those not acceptable to the EU?
  • The EU knows the UK is leaving but not how.
  • The government knows the UK is leaving but not how.
  • The government is pretending it has a ”no deal” ace up its sleeve.
  • Brussels knows the ace is a suicide bomb.
  • The government knows it´s a suicide bomb but isn´t telling anybody.

How will this end? Haven´t a clue but it´s better than anything on TV. 

Like when the French bellboy in the Peter Sellers film wishes the newly weds: ” a great `a penis”  Time to say, I beg your pardon what was it you really meant? 
