”Never again,” became once again with hundreds of thousands of young men dead on the battlefield of Ukraine over the last two years. A tragedy for a Europe convinced that internationally agreed borders and prosperity through trade would see an end to warfare on its continent.
”Dead men tell no tales,” as the saying goes
although in this horrendous drama far from the truth.
The tale being told here is that:
* Ukrainian soldiers died in their own country.
* Ukrainian soldiers died at the hands of Russian invaders.
* Ukrainian soldiers died knowing they were fighting for the survival of their country and its people.
The tale being told here is that:
* Russian soldiers died as invaders in someone elses country.
* Russian soldiers died at the hands of Ukrainian soldiers defending Ukraine and its people.
* Russian soldiers died believing Putin ’s propaganda.
* Russian soldiers died for the imperial wet dreams of a deranged old man.
The tale being told here is that:
* Fearing an escalation of events Western democracy has bent over backwards to avoid provoking Russia.
* The list of the West looking the other way is a long one, from Chechnya through Syria to Crimea and nothing has helped.
* Putin embraces the theory of war being a continuation of diplomacy by other means and international treaties never get in his way.
The tale being told here is that:
* The West has the future of Ukraine in its hands.
* Ukraine has the future of Europe in its hands.
* The time has come to give Ukraine EVERYTHING it needs to drive the Russian intruders out.
The tale being told here is that if we don ’t, it will be our turn to tell tales.

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