The American Dream v The American Nightmare

Well there you are then, the first of my metaphorical ships has executed a somewhat cumbersome 180° turn. Ship number two has signalled it will follow shortly whereas my Brexit ship has a serious navigational problem and is at present becalmed in the face of what looks to be a very fierce storm. In other words, one down, two to go! 

Of course I´m over the moon about Biden winning the election for president. Not least for very soon being able to follow American politics for at least four years without having to listen to the ramblings of an infantile, narcissistic lunatic cluttering up Twitter with his lies.

In my opinion a man like Trump ought to force us outside of our political comfort zone to rely instead on our own personal moral code and act accordingly. Obviously wishful thinking on my part considering the number of Americans who voted for Trump making the election a closer call than anticipated. That included Evangelicals not too fussy about his hobby of ”grabbing women by the pussy….when you´re a star they let you do it.” (his words not mine) That included Latino voters not too bothered about him separating Latin American refugee children from their parents and putting them in cages. That included ordinary working class Americans idolizing him despite his mocking handicapped people and dead soldiers as losers. That included Republican lawmakers not standing up for their country and the constitution when fully aware of this monstrosity of a president with dubious national and international connections . Not even when being aware that his futile efforts to delegitimize and overturn the election, will almost certainly result in the weakening of many people´s faith in democracy and a search for alternatives. 

The American Dream versus the American Nightmare. Trump may be gone by the 20th of January but the problem won´t be.